Easter celebration is meant to commemorate the death and subsequent resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, which development, marks the very anchor of Christianity. It shows our acknowledgement and appreciation of the sacrifices of Jesus and his eventual triumph over the devil for the salvation of man.

Ordinarily, the celebration of this auspicious milestone on the Christian calendar is characterized by church festivities and merrymaking because of its great significance. And so, it had been the wish of the NPP that Easter 2020 would be no exception. However, as fate will rather have it, we are, today, not in ordinary times.

The world, as we all know, is currently facing the biggest threat to the survival of man in many decades and centuries following the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19, which has, so far, claimed over 83,000 human lives globally with over 1.4 million infections and counting. Similarly, the pandemic has had an incalculable debilitating impact on the global economy and for that matter on the general livelihood of people all over the world.

The situation in Ghana, unfortunately, is not any different from this global malaise as we continue to record rising cases of COVID-19. We are however lucky to be blessed with a President, who has, thus far, shown exemplary leadership in this period of crisis, both in words and in deeds, to the admiration of world leaders who have not missed any opportunity to heap plaudits on the Ghanaian leader.

Nonetheless, it is the position of the NPP that beyond the laudable measures being rolled out by President Akufo-Addo and his government, it shall also take God’s intervention to overcome this global health crisis.

In the light of this, even as we call on our countrymen and women to continue to make life-saving sacrifices by strictly observing the various health protocols needed to stave off this pandemic, the NPP also calls on Christians in particular, to use the occasion of Easter to intensify their prayers and other supplications to God for divinity to find favour with the world in these trying times.

The NPP also implores Christians all over the world and in Ghana in particular to give proper meaning to the very essence of Easter and take a cue from the sacrifices of our Lord Jesus Christ by committing themselves to making sacrifices for the underprivileged in society by making generous contributions to them especially in this period of heightened restrictions and lockdowns. We should also use this occasion to reflect and revive our commitment to the cause of national development.

Finally, the NPP is confident that with the kind of commitment being shown by the government of President Akufo-Addo and the overwhelming support the government is receiving from the Ghanaian people, sooner than later, Ghana will defeat this deadly virus. Indeed, as we always say, this too, shall pass to the glory of God and country.




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