Ken Ofori-Atta Sworn-in As Finance Minister

President Akufo-Addo has sworn-in former Chairman of Databank, Ken Ofori-Atta to serve a second term as Finance Minister. This follows the vetting and approval of Mr. Ofori-Atta as Finance Minister. Mr. Ofori-Atta faced an unprecedented two-day vetting before the Parliament’s Appointments Committee after which the Committee by consensus recommended his approval to the House.

Delivering his speech at the swearing-in, President Akufo-Addo indicated that Mr Ofori-Atta’s second appointment was influenced by the high level of competence exhibited during his first term as Finance Minister.

According to the President, Mr Ofori-Atta helped revitalise the economy after the NPP administration inherited a faltering economy from the Mahama administration in their first term.

“He provided a staunch defence of his record in office as Finance Minister from 17th February 2017 when he inherited a weak, faltering economy from the Mahama Administration and helped nurse the economy back to good health by 6th January 2021.

“He highlighted what public service means to him and outlined the plans he has to help revitalize the Ghanaian economy and restore it to the kinds of growth and expansion witnessed before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic,” he added.

That notwithstanding, the President urged the Finance Minister to continue to work towards improving the livelihood of Ghanaians, as it is the highest expectation of the Ghanaian people.

“I congratulate you heartily on your appointment and I’m sure you know that the Ghanaian people are expecting you to put the economy on a sound footing once again.

“Ultimately, what the people of Ghana are expecting is a visible improvement in their standard of living; that there’s an increase in real rages for working people, in the enhancement of the incomes of farms and fisherfolk, and the rise in profit of businesses.

On his part, the Mr Ofori-Atta expressed gratitude to the President for the confidence reposed in him.

He also thanked Members of Parliament for seeing to his approval.

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