The heart of a father, they say, is the masterpiece of nature and the oasis of prosperity. The role of fathers and for that matter fatherhood in our lives and in the advancement of humanity can certainly not be overemphasized. Indeed, we are who we are today largely because of our fathers.

I am, on the occasion of Father’s Day, pleased to join the rest of the world, to celebrate fatherhood and accordingly, wish all fathers in Ghana and across the globe a HAPPY FATHER’S DAY.

Also worth celebrating on this special day, are potential fathers and indeed all men and women who are playing various fatherly roles in the family and in society at large. May fatherhood continue to reign.

I wish to also use this opportunity to say a Happy Father’s Day to the father of the nation, His Excellency President Akufo-Addo. It is my prayer that Almighty ALLAH grants him and his government more wisdom and fortitude to continue to deliver on the mandate of the Ghanaian people.

Once again, Happy Father’s Day and may God bless us all.


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