Alhaji Iddi Muhayu-Deen Writes

In law, they say, you CANNOT put something on NOTHING (Lord Denning, a celebrated English Jurist). And so, if it is void, it is void, and void ab initio. Even a primary one pupil, reading Standing Order 109 and Article 104 of the Constitution, will come to one and only one inevitable conclusion, that, the purported rejection of the 2022 budget last Friday can only be an exercise in FUTILITY.

We thank the Parliament of Ghana, properly so constituted, for taking steps to RIGHT the wrongs of last Friday, where Speaker Bagbin led a revolutionary massacre of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic and Parliament’s Standing Orders. Arguably, I dare say, that incident was the darkest development in the history of our constitutional democracy.

For the records my fellow countrymen and women, the 1st Deputy Speaker, Hon Joe Osei Owusu, DID NOT VOTE today in approving the budget. He was only counted as a Member of Parliament representing his constituents, the good people of Bekwai, who also have a constitutional RIGHT to be represented in Parliament at every material time, particularly when a budget is being considered.

The NDC Minority should know that they CANNOT rule this country from opposition. They cannot sit in opposition and be dictating to government what should be contained in the government’s budget. That will be the height of constitutional absurdity. If we, the Ghanaian people wanted the NDC to govern the country, we would have voted for them in the 2020 elections.

We REJECTED them because we felt it was right to so do. They must respect our decision. They should not insult our intelligence. If Ghanaians have issues with the actions and inactions of this government and think that the government is under performing, the Constitution, fortunately, provides us a remedy, which remedy is not for the NDC to rule us from opposition, but one, to be exercised through the BALOT come 2024.

Assalamu alaikum

Alhaji Iddi Muhayu-Deen



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