Trade and Industry

Unemployment today has reached unprecedented levels under John Mahama. Millions of Ghanaians wake up each day to the soul-destroying reality of joblessness and they spend their energies looking for non-existent jobs.

Since job creation, for us in the NPP, is essentially a private sector activity, the number one priority for the next NPP government will be to put in place the policy framework that will help businesses expand and create jobs, as well as promote the growth of entrepreneurship opportunities for young Ghanaians in particular.

The country’s industrial sector faces significant challenges, the principal ones of which are lack of access to finance, high interest rates, inadequate and poor quality raw materials for industrial processing, poorly developed domestic trade, weak consumer protection, lack of effective collaboration between research institutions and industry, poor trade facilitation, an unstable exchange rate, lack of coherent industrial development planning and initiatives, poor research and development support scheme for industry, lack of land for industrial zones, high import duties on raw materials, poor standards of certification, and an unreliable and expensive power source.

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